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Adding someone new to your waiting list

If you're running a private waiting list, you'll rely heavily on adding waitees to your waiting list yourself. Whether that's a brand new or existing customer, they are all kept in one place.

To add anyone to your waiting list click the Add waitee button when viewing your waiting list.

If adding someone new, select the Add new customer button and complete the form. The customer details and student name fields are mandatory, the rest is optional but recommended.

If you wish, you can add more than one student to the waiting list at the same time by clicking the Add another student button.

Be aware, this will create two separate waitees, one for each student, both related to the same customer. That way, if the students are of different ages and/or levels in their development, you can send individual invites to each student separately to book onto different classes.

You also have the option of adding as many preferred venues and days as you want, the time is optional and should be left empty if the whole day can be attended.

If you're adding multiple students then their preferences need to be the same. Alternatively, if each student has different preferences then you will need to add them to the waiting list separately.

When a waitee is added to the list they will receive an email confirming they are on the list along with the information provided. When adding multiple students, there will be one email sent per student.