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Enabling booking with credit

From time to time, some customers may end up with credit in their account, maybe due to session cancellations.

As an organiser you have 2 options, refund a payment to balance the account, or use the credit towards another booking and take payment for the remaining balance.

You can also allow customers to use this credit themselves when they next self-book. Simply enable your By Credit price and this will automatically deduct the credit a customer has from their next booking when self-booking.

Prices list

Credit prices aren't available to select during self-booking, customers will still need to choose to pay By Card or By Subscription:

Self-booking pricing

If the customer has credit, this amount will be deducted from the amount due when paying:

Self-booking payment

This means for bookings paid By Card, the credit is deducted from the total cost of the booking.

For bookings paid for By Subscription, the credit is deducted from the amount due up-front for the first months sessions.

If the amount of credit is greater than the amount due, the customer will be able to book without having to pay.


Credit can only be deducted when making a booking for an individual family member, if multiple family members are selected during self-booking, credit won't be applied.